5 tips to make your content more appealing
We live in an era of creative content. Useful and appealing information attracts visitors to your web page, but what can make them stay? With many big brands using content marketing, how do small companies stand out from the crowd?
Keep your content marketing simple
People are already busy; every day we are bombarded with so many different kinds of information through social media, newspapers, television and signage. Users don’t want to expend a lot of time and effort understanding your content, so simple statements work best.
Use Humour
Humor is a good way to humanize your business. Emotional appeal can differentiate you from other businesses and you’ll have a better chance of being remembered – humor is a highly viral and successful tactic to integrate into your content creation.
Make your content interactive!
Interaction and participation make users see themselves as a part of the brand. Quizzes, interactive videos and infographics are great elements to incorporate into your content. Aim to make it an engaging and motivating experience.
Spice up your content
Just like in personal relationships, an element of surprise can spice things up. People are designed to crave the unexpected, so adding the surprise element can be a very powerful marketing tool.
Make your content actionable
Good content provides a sense of how to apply new information. Make sure you help users feel more confident in using your material by offering tips, tricks and directives.
If you are interested in outsourcing content creation, call us on 07 5576 7841 or email us at hello@lemontreemarketing.com.au